4 Helpful Features to Use Cell Phone Call Recording
More people rely on cell phones to handle their business communication. Cell phones make it easier to communicate. You don’t have to worry about connecting to a landline to do business.
Having a cell phone means you can do business from anywhere. So how do you make sure you’re getting the most out of your cell phone with your business?
Have you considered call recording? You can do that with cell phones. And Diamond Voice has the technology to help you make that happen.
What kind of features can you expect when using cell phone recording with Diamond Voice?
One of the best ways to ensure you can do cell phone recording is to download a softphone app.
Softphones allow you to make phone calls over internet connections. There is no shortage of apps you can download to your smartphone. By downloading a softphone, you can get your own phone number through it.
Once you download a softphone app, you can register it and the app on the Diamond Voice server. This allows you to set up call forwarding from your cell number to the app. All your incoming calls will ring through Diamond voice to the app. It’s like a second phone line for your smartphone.
However, if you’re looking to do inbound call recording and don’t want to use an app, Diamond Voice can help. Our Call Forwarding feature allows you to still record incoming calls.
The Cloud
When you’re trying to access your cell phone recordings, you want to be certain that they’re stored in a safe place.
With Diamond Voice, we keep everything, inbound and outbound, on our cloud platform. Your cell phone will never store these recordings. That can be a security risk.
The last thing you need is to have your smartphone leaking data, which can include recordings. If those recordings contain sensitive information, you don’t want it out there.
Hitting Ignore
Sometimes you can’t answer a call so you’ll hit Ignore to forward it elsewhere, mainly voicemail. Hitting Ignore though is helpful to you if you want to ensure the call gets recorded. By using Diamond Voice, you can forward that call to our voice call recording system.
When that call is forwarded to Diamond Voice, it will ring your cell phone number again. This will enable call recording, thus recording your conversation when you answer.
The caller won’t know that the phone call is being forwarded. All they will hear is ringing. You can also add a custom ringtone that can play a message like “This call is being recorded for training purposes.”
Virtual Phone Booth
Believe it or not, it’s easier to record outbound calls than inbound ones. You don’t need to download an app or use Call Forwarding to make that happen.
Diamond Voice offers a Virtual Phone Booth (VPB) Call Recording system. Signing up for the service will give you an access telephone number.
Using our VPB system can be done from any phone. All you need is a PIN number to log in. This can be helpful if you need to use someone else’s phone or your office phone to make a call.
With VPB, you can also choose to show a different number on the Caller ID. The default option would be the cell phone number you use, but there is a way to choose an alternate number. This can be helpful whether you’re making personal or business calls.
When you need to access recordings, VPB allows you to do that over your phone. The recordings are stored in a voice mailbox. All you need to do is call and login to your mailbox, like with your regular voicemail.
Contact Diamond Voice to get cell phone recording set up
If you’re ready to add cell phone recording to your business, then contact Diamond Voice to learn more about how we can help.