Santa Fe Trails Assisted Living focuses on long-term care and memory-care options for an older adult population.
Business Challenge
The automated answering ervice that gets activated in the evening failed. This resulted in calls going answered frustrated families who were worried about their loved ones.
The phone equipment was unreliable and worn-out hardware. The transfer feature for immediate medical assistance was stalling at the switch and placed the urgent care needs of residents in jeopardy, thus creating a high stress situation for staff and potentially life-threatening situation for residents.
The client also couldn't access or change their voicemail.
Diamond Voice worked with their network engineers to update and fix network and wiring issues to eliminate dropped calls and failed transfers.
The phone equipment is now replaced every 5 years and is always under warranty.
Reliable communication equals peace of mind.
And that includes communication within a community between staff and staff, staff and residents, residents and families and staff and phone support personnel. The result of selecting Diamond Voice as the telephone service and equipment provider is reduced stress and frustration among the staff which means better resident care and safety.
The communities in these real-world case studies leveraged Diamond Voice’s Cloud Telephone service and analysis capabilities to solve and remove daily aggravation. You can quickly forget about your phone system when it just works! And the bottom-line savings will improve your budget month after month.
Let Diamond Voice identify and resolve issues in your network and maintain your community's telephone needs.
For more information about Diamond Voice products and services, call the Diamond Voice at 888-293-1550. Or visit: