To Make Recorded Calls
Shortcut Dial String: VPB Access number, 1,PIN, password, telephone number, 3
To Retrieve Recorded Calls by Web:
Browse to and click “Login”
Enter your web login and passcode and click the “Login” button
Under “IVR Data” click the number of your PIN or mailbox number.
By default calls for the current day will display. You may search by other parameters or select “Show All” and Click “Get Data”.
To play back your recording, click the link “audio file” for the call you want to hear.
To Download your recording to your computer, Right Click on the link and select “Save Target As”. This will bring up a window allowing you to choose the location and file name on your computer.
You can edit the “Call Description” by clicking “Modify” on the left of the selected record. This will allow you to add a note or comment so that you can remember details about this call.
Calls are saved on the Web for 90 days. You can save them to your local computer anytime. If you need a longer retention than 90 days, please contact your Diamond Voice Sales Rep.
Calls are saved on the phone system for 90 days. You can save them to your local computer from the web anytime during the 90 days If you need a longer retention than 90 days, please contact your Diamond Voice Sales Rep.
Login to your Account. Click the Box Management Tab. Click the "edit" icon next to the box you wish to change.
Shortcut string: After opening your mailbox, 3,2,3,greeting number,8,8,8
Hint: When you choose to re-record your active greeting, the system will begin playing your active greeting. To skip this and begin recording, press "1".
Shortcut string: After opening your mailbox, 3,2,2,greeting number,1,1
Shortcut string: After opening your mailbox, 3,1,2,
Shortcut string: After opening your mailbox, 3,2,5
Shortcut string: After opening your mailbox, 3,2,2,greeting number,#,2,1
Your mailbox can have multiple Greetings (up to 9). Each Greeting can be configured to Transfer or not to Transfer as well as what type of Transfer. Each Greeting will have it's own unique audio greeting for callers to hear.
The currently active Greeting will control the Call Transfer and the audio message the callers will hear. You can change which greeting is active. If the Schedule option is active, it will automatically switch between Greetings based on time of day. To make a different greeting active, you must first turn off the schedule (See How do I Turn the Schedule on or off?) You can then choose which Greeting 1-9 to make active (see How do I make a different greeting active?)
Like a regular Voicemail box, the Q & A mailbox plays a greeting and records the caller’s response. But the Q & A mailbox can play multiple questions in sequence and accept audio or touchtone input from the caller. All of these responses are stored in a database and can be retrieved over the web or by phone. This makes the Q & A Mailbox a great choice for data collection, whether opinion surveys or product orders
*May require other services and additional costs.
* May require other services and additional costs.
Q & A Mailbox applications range from basic to very sophisticated. Whatever the size of your project, we will keep it simple. All you need to do is provide us with a list of questions you want to ask or information you want to collect. We will help you script it and provide suggestions on the best way to implement your application in the quickest way. Just call or email us today!
Sending a message to a group of mailboxes, or Distribution List is similar to sending a message to an individual mailbox except that you enter a List number. Before you can do this, you need to setup a Distribution List and add mailboxes to the list
After listening to a message,
Each Option Menu has two built in options. Each box uses "7" to repeat and "9" to back up to the previous menu. You should add the following instruction to your recordings: "To repeat this information (or options- if it is a menu), press 7. To return to the previous menu, press 9". On the Main Menu or initial Option Menu in your system, the "9" is used for owner access.
This option is not normally voiced, as it is not for public use.