Hosted IVR FAQ

DIAMOND VOICE > Support > FAQ > Hosted IVR FAQ
Call Recording

How do I Make and Record a call?

To Make Recorded Calls

  1. Dial Virtual Phone Booth Access number 214-446-2212
  2. When the Diamond Voice system answers, you will have the choice to Make a Call or Listen to Recorded Calls.
  3. Press 1 to Make a Call
  4. Enter your access PIN (mailbox)
  5. Enter your passcode. Hint: You can press # after you enter your passcode to speed up the process.
  6. You are now logged in. If you have recorded calls in your mailbox, the system will tell you how many.
  7. Enter the number you wish to dial ( "1" is not required for long distance calls. Please note you will be billed at your LD rate for any long distance calls. If you do not know your LD rate, please contact your Sales Rep.)
  8. To repeat the number you entered, press "1", To change the number, press "2" or to continue and dial, press "3".
  9. Recording automatically begins when your call is connected and ends when you hang up.

Shortcut Dial String: VPB Access number, 1,PIN, password, telephone number, 3

How do I retrieve a recorded call from the Web?

To Retrieve Recorded Calls by Web:

Browse to and click “Login”

Enter your web login and passcode and click the “Login” button

Under “IVR Data” click the number of your PIN or mailbox number.

By default calls for the current day will display. You may search by other parameters or select “Show All” and Click “Get Data”.

To play back your recording, click the link “audio file” for the call you want to hear.

To Download your recording to your computer, Right Click on the link and select “Save Target As”. This will bring up a window allowing you to choose the location and file name on your computer.

You can edit the “Call Description” by clicking “Modify” on the left of the selected record. This will allow you to add a note or comment so that you can remember details about this call.


Calls are saved on the Web for 90 days. You can save them to your local computer anytime. If you need a longer retention than 90 days, please contact your Diamond Voice Sales Rep.

How do I retrieve a recorded call from the Telephone?

  1. To Retrieve Recorded Calls By Phone
    Dial Virtual Phone Booth Access number 214-446-2212
  2. When the Diamond Voice system answers, you will have the choice to Make a Call or Listen to Recorded Calls.
  3. Press 2 to “Listen to Recorded Calls”
  4. Enter your access PIN (mailbox)
  5. Enter your passcode. Hint: You can press # after you enter your passcode to speed up the process.
  6. You are now logged in. If you have recorded calls in your mailbox, the system will tell you how many.
  7. Press 1 to listen to calls (messages)
  8. Press 1 for new calls or 2 for old calls. New calls are ones that have not been listened to yet.
  9. When you are finished, press 8 to exit.

    Shortcut Dial String: VPB Access number, 2,PIN, password, 1


Calls are saved on the phone system for 90 days. You can save them to your local computer from the web anytime during the 90 days If you need a longer retention than 90 days, please contact your Diamond Voice Sales Rep.


How do I change the email address to which voicemail and/or faxes are forwarded?

 Login to your Account. Click the Box Management Tab. Click the "edit" icon next to the box you wish to change.


How do I open my mailbox?

  1. Dial your voicemail number. This may be a local number or 800 number.
  2. When the system answers, interrupt the greeting and press 9.
  3. Enter your passcode. If you have multiple mailboxes, enter your mailbox number then your passcode.

How do I turn off/on my Call Transfer feature?

  1. Open your mailbox
  2. From the Main Menu, press 3
  3. From the Options Menu, press 4
  4. The system will play the number your calls are being transferred to. To turn off the transfer, press #. If the system says your calls are being transferred to Voicemail, press # to turn the transfer on.

How do I change or turn on/off my Message Notification/Paging feature?

  1. Open your mailbox
  2. From the Main Menu, press 3
  3. From the Options Menu, press 5
  4. You may have up to 3 Message Notification numbers active. Press 1, 2 or 3 for the Message Notification you want to change.
  5. If the Message Notification is active, the system will play the number which is to be called. Press # to turn it off or on.
  6. Press 1 to enter a new number.

How do I make a different greeting active?

  1. Open your mailbox
  2. From the Main Menu, press 3
  3. From the Options Menu, press 2
  4. The current active greeting will play. After or during playback, press 3
  5. Enter the greeting number you wish to make active
  6. System will activate and play the selected greeting and the transfer status for that greeting.
  7. Press 8 three times or hang up to exit.

Shortcut string: After opening your mailbox, 3,2,3,greeting number,8,8,8

How do I re-record my current active greeting?

  1. Open your mailbox
  2. From the Main Menu, press 3
  3. From the Options Menu, press 2
  4. The current active greeting will play. After or during playback, press 1
  5. Begin recording at the prompt. Press # to stop recording.
  6. Press 3 to Post the new greeting. If you do not post the greeting, it will not be saved.
  7. Press 8 three times or hang up to exit.

Hint: When you choose to re-record your active greeting, the system will begin playing your active greeting. To skip this and begin recording, press "1".

How do I re-record a different (not active) greeting?

  1. Open your mailbox
  2. From the Main Menu, press 3
  3. From the Options Menu, press 2
  4. The current active greeting will play. After or during playback, press 2
  5. Enter the number (1-9) of the greeting you wish to record
  6. Press 1
  7. Press 1
  8. Begin recording at the prompt. Press # to stop recording.
  9. Press 3 to Post the new greeting. If you do not post the greeting, it will not be saved.
  10. Press 8 three times or hang up to exit.

Shortcut string: After opening your mailbox, 3,2,2,greeting number,1,1

How do I record my Mailbox Name?

  1. Open your mailbox
  2. From the Main Menu, press 3
  3. From the Options Menu, press 1
  4. The current mailbox name will play. After or during playback, press 2
  5. Begin recording at the prompt. Press # to stop recording.
  6. Replay, Re-record, Delete or press 8 to exit and save
  7. Press 8 two times or hang up to exit.

Shortcut string: After opening your mailbox, 3,1,2,

How do I Change my Call Transfer Number?

  1. Open your mailbox
  2. From the Main Menu, press 3
  3. From the Options Menu, press 4
  4. The system will play the number your calls are being transferred to. To change the number, press 1
  5. If the system says your calls are being transferred to Voicemail, first press # to turn the transfer on, then to change the number, press 1.
  6. Press 8, 8 to exit.

How do I turn the Schedule on or off?

  1. Open your mailbox
  2. Press 3 for Options Menu
  3. Press 2 for Greeting Options
  4. Press 5 to turn Schedule On/Off
  5. Press 8, 8 to exit.

Shortcut string: After opening your mailbox, 3,2,5

How do I Change the Call Transfer number for a specific greeting?

  1. Open your mailbox
  2. From the Main Menu, press 3
  3. From the Options Menu, press 2
  4. The current active greeting will play. After or during playback, press 2
  5. Enter the number (1-9) of the greeting you wish to change.
  6. Press 2
  7. The system will play the number your calls are being transferred to. To change the number, press 1
  8. If the system says your calls are being transferred to Voicemail, first press # to turn the transfer on, then to change the number, press 1.
  9. Enter the telephone number to which calls will be transferred. Wait for confirmation.
  10. Press 8 three times or hang up to exit.

Shortcut string: After opening your mailbox, 3,2,2,greeting number,#,2,1

How do I set up Multiple Transfer numbers?

Your mailbox can have multiple Greetings (up to 9). Each Greeting can be configured to Transfer or not to Transfer as well as what type of Transfer. Each Greeting will have it's own unique audio greeting for callers to hear.

The currently active Greeting will control the Call Transfer and the audio message the callers will hear. You can change which greeting is active. If the Schedule option is active, it will automatically switch between Greetings based on time of day. To make a different greeting active, you must first turn off the schedule (See How do I Turn the Schedule on or off?) You can then choose which Greeting 1-9 to make active (see How do I make a different greeting active?)

  1. Configure a separate Greeting with the Transfer to number and record a greeting. (See How do I Change the Call Transfer number for a specific greeting? And How do I re-record a different (not active) greeting?
    Once you complete this step, you will only need to repeat it if you wish to change the audio recording or transfer to number.
  2. Turn off the Schedule (See How do I Turn Off the Schedule?)
  3. Make the desired Greeting active (see How do I make a different greeting active?)
Question & Answer Mailbox

What is a Question and Answer mailbox?

 Like a regular Voicemail box, the Q & A mailbox plays a greeting and records the caller’s response. But the Q & A mailbox can play multiple questions in sequence and accept audio or touchtone input from the caller. All of these responses are stored in a database and can be retrieved over the web or by phone. This makes the Q & A Mailbox a great choice for data collection, whether opinion surveys or product orders

How does it Work?

  • Your script is brought to life by our professional voice-over artists.
  • Each question is customized to accept either audio recording or touch-tone.
  • The caller’s response can be played back for confirmation.
  • Questions can be skipped depending on the caller’s touch-tone response.
  • Confirmation prompts can vary depending on input. For example, if the caller presses 3, the prompt can say “You chose the red sweater.”
  • After the last question and answer, a confirmation number is assigned and played for the caller.
  • The Q & A can be configured to keep a response set only if all questions are answered.
  • The caller can be routed to other options such as Transfer to live operator.
  • Records are stored in an SQL database and accessible by web or a custom GET/POST* integration.
  • Touch tone responses are stored as text and audio responses are stored as WMA or MP3 files.
  • Each record contains Date/Time and a unique record number.

What types of applications are supported?

  • Opinion Surveys
  • Order taking
  • Contests
  • Money Transfers *
  • Credit Card processing *
  • Registration
  • Time Card
  • Third Party Recording
  • Employment verification *
  • Pay By Phone *
  • Remote Data Update *
  • Telephone Check-
  • Opt-in, Opt-out line

*May require other services and additional costs.

What are other benefits and features?

  • Records can be edited from the web to add comments.
  • Automatic capture of Caller ID with each call record.
  • Transcription for Audio files is available.*
  • Separate Audio responses can be combined together with questions to create a single recording.*
  • Can be combined with Credit Card processing to create real-time order processing*

*  May require other services and additional costs.

How do I sign up?

Q & A Mailbox applications range from basic to very sophisticated. Whatever the size of your project, we will keep it simple. All you need to do is provide us with a list of questions you want to ask or information you want to collect. We will help you script it and provide suggestions on the best way to implement your application in the quickest way. Just call or email us today!

How do I listen to Questionnaire Answers?

  1. Dial your voicemail number. This may be a local number or 800 number.
  2. When the system answers, interrupt the greeting and press ô9².
  3. Enter your Questionnaire mailbox number, then your Supervisor passcode.
  4. Press 4 for Options
  5. Press 1 for answers
  6. Press 1 for New answers or 2 for Old answers.

How do I send messages to other mailboxes?

  1. Open your mailbox.
  2. From the Main Menu, press 2.
  3. Enter the Mailbox or Group box number you want to send a message to.
  4. Press 1 to confirm the mailbox
  5. Record the message. Press # to stop recording.
  6. Press 1 to send.
  7. Press 8 to exit

How do I send a message to a group of mailboxes?

Sending a message to a group of mailboxes, or Distribution List is similar to sending a message to an individual mailbox except that you enter a List number. Before you can do this, you need to setup a Distribution List and add mailboxes to the list

How do I Create a Distribution List?

  1. Open your mailbox.
  2. From the Main Menu, press 4 (If 4 is not available, your service is not configured for Group Lists. Contact customer service.)
  3. From the List Menu, press 1 to add a new list
  4. Record the name of the List , such as "Sales group" when prompted. Press # to stop recording.
  5. When prompted, to accept List name recording, press 1

How do I Add Mailboxes to a Distribution List?

  1. Open your mailbox.
  2. From the Main Menu, press 4
  3. From the List Menu, press 2 to Access a list.
  4. Enter the List number (1-9) Must have already created the List.
  5. Press 1 to Add a box or 2 to Delete a box

How do I send messages to one of my Lists?

  1. Open your mailbox.
  2. From the Main Menu, press 2.
  3. Press 2 to send a message to a List
  4. Enter the List number
  5. Record the message. Press # to stop recording.
  6. Press 1 to send.
  7. Press 8 to exit.

How do I forward a message to another mailbox?

After listening to a message,

  1. Press 6
  2. Press 2
  3. Enter the box number
  4. Press 1 to confirm box number
  5. Press 1, 2 or 3 to send with or without comment
  6. Press 8 to exit.

When recording an "Option Menu", how can I let the caller repeat or back up to a previous menu?

Each Option Menu has two built in options. Each box uses "7" to repeat and "9" to back up to the previous menu. You should add the following instruction to your recordings: "To repeat this information (or options- if it is a menu), press 7. To return to the previous menu, press 9". On the Main Menu or initial Option Menu in your system, the "9" is used for owner access.
This option is not normally voiced, as it is not for public use.

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